How to add Facebook Fan Page to Blogger (Step by Step)
January 25, 2020 | by Admin

How to Add Facebook Page to Blogger
It’s a great thing that you have started blogging and wanting your blog to be as professional as possible is a huge plus.
First having a Facebook fan page as a blogger is very much important to you as a blogger who wants to be close to his or her readers; your fans.
Facebook can help you do this through the Facebook Fan Page. This literally connect you and your fans over the largest social media platform in the World like Facebook.
Just to say the least that your blog can easily go viral if you kind of have a bond between you and your readers or fans, hence the reason you need to add your Facebook Fan Page to your blog.
Don’t worry as usual I will take your hand and guide you through the short process, but just in case you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page and don’t know how to create one, click Here to see how to.
How to Add Facebook Fan Page to Blogger?
Firs login to Facebook and then go to and this takes you directly to Facebook developers plugin tools as show in the screenshot below:
Now scroll down just a little bit and you will see where to input your Facebook Page URL. If you don’t know your Facebook Fan Page URL, kindly visit your page on Facebook and copy the URL on your browser bar. If you are using a smartphone, then go to your Facebook Fan Page, click on “more” with three dotted likes just below the name of the page, then click on “show link” and once you click that, your page URL pops. Copy it that’s your Facebook Fan Page URL. See the steps of my mobile view screenshot below:
Now copy that your Facebook Page URL as shown in the screenshot above again to the Facebook Developers web page we open earlier and insert it there as have shown in the screenshot below:
At this point you can configure it the way you want, like “show friends faces” and “adapt to container” as shown above, etc. Even if you wish to add a custom height you can do that. Once you are done scroll down a little bit you will see “Get Code” click on it and the codes will pop up. Choose iframe for easy implementation, then copy the codes. See my screenshot below:
Now that you have copied the code above, login to Blogger and click on layout, depending on where you want it to be, click on “Add a Gadget” on the side bar menu and choose the HTML/Java Script option. You can title it “We are On Facebook” or whatever you seem fit or leave it blank. Paste the codes in the content field below the title and hit save. Yes! You are done. View your blog now you should see your Facebook Fan Page. Not hard after all. See my screenshot below:
And did you notice I used a phone to do all these? Yes I did and I left the margins of the screenshots intact just to prove to you that you can blog from your smartphone. Now that your Facebook Fan Page is embed on your blog, whatever you post on your fan page will appear on your blog where the Page is embedded, plus your readers can now easily like and follow your page right from your blog.
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