Business Arena

How to Grow and Monetize your Instagram Page faster

October 7, 2019 | by Admin

It’s no longer news that most people and especially brands want to grow their Instagram pages fast and to monetize them.

Wait! Before you jump right in to Monetization, there are very important stuffs you need to know first.

A. Grow your fan base; This is the first task you have to carry out and to do this, you should apply the following:
     1. Socialize. Here you can simply like and comment on photos of friends and friends of friends. This is called engaging your niche. Listen, the aim of Instagram and every other Social Media, is community and to build a community you need to be involved meaning you engage and be engaged.

This is why it’s very important to make sure you try as much as you can while building your page to respond to at least 80% of the comments on your page. Don’t just let comments on your page slides. Respond with likes and replies. This is called engagement

   2. Create Great Contents. On no account should you junk your page with “dirty posts” and by that I mean distasteful posts. Make relevant posts all the time. Someone should always have a reason to come back to your page everyday. This said, you should check your page insights to see what your followers like more and keep giving it to them. Remember consistency is key. This is also refer to as discovery your niche!

   3. Create your and use your own Hashtag and encourage your followers to use it. This is a very quick way to trend. Make sure the hashtag is unique. Plus you can also use some cool trending hashtags. And talking about using trending hashtags, always be disciplined enough to use the relevant hashtags to your posts and don’t abuse them to avoid being shadow banned by Shadow ban means that even when the hashtag is searched, your post won’t popup…hmmm.

   4. Run Contests and Giveaways. This can not be over emphasized. Simply organize a contest with a prize to be won and encourage participants to tag their friends and tell them to follow your page to qualify to win. This has been very useful to social media influencers and celebrities as this can increase your followers by 25% weekly.

   5. Tag your location. Every time you make a post always make sure you tag your location. This makes you easily discovered.

   6. Use Instagram stories

   7. Visit to help you grow your page fast. This website help you build your fan base real quick and it’s 100% authentic!

B. Optimization or Visibility: After doing the above listed, the Instagram algorithm begins to favor you and your page begins to grow rapidly with more chances of appearing on Instagram “explore”. Once you are now visible, guess what’s next?

C. Sellability: Ah! This is what you have always wanted… Lolz. Here your page is now sort after and it’s time for you to start selling. Please note here that selling isn’t just about material stuffs… Yes as your page is now optimized other brands begin to dm (direct message) you that to advertise on your page. This is how page influencers make huge money daily. Most page influencers from 10,000 followers and above who are serious, make money weekly… To be continued.

What’s this helpful? Then share my this my blog with your friends by inviting them here and always check here for more business gist…


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