Business Arena

How To Get Traffic To Your Blog Without Spending A Dime

May 16, 2020 | by Admin

Starting a blog these days has become easy with platforms
like WordPress, Blogger and many others. However, once it is up and running,
the next big challenge you have is to bring more traffic to your blog or

Don’t worry, and you don’t need to be a marketing guru to
promote your blog. You can easily increase your blog traffic to get more
visitors by using some proven best practices. Also, you don’t have to spend a
dime to get traffic to your blog.

However, in this post, you will learn some proven methods on How To Get Traffic To Your Blog Without Spending A Dime.

Unlike other articles on growing blog traffic, we are only
going to share tips that we believe to be sure to increase our website traffic
to millions of page views every month.

I also have done my best to make this the most
comprehensive website traffic guide so that you can have an effective blog traffic
strategy for your business.
Ready? Let’s get started.
Make Your Content Readable

The major reason you have a blog is to give value to your
audience, which means you need to make every content you write readable and
well informative. Slight difficulty in reading or understanding will put off
your users, and they will leave without looking at all the useful information
that you offered.
To solve this problem before it happens, you need to make
all your content easy to read. A good place to start would be to present your
article in bite-size sentences using a friendly tone and lots of visuals and avoid
grammatical errors.
Use Social Media

Creating a channel or page on social media can help generate
massive traffic. A lot of people spend more time on social media, and this cool
is an advantage for you. Create a social media page, or group, drop informative
content there on a daily basis or regularly, after you must have generated a lot
of people to join your group, you can start dropping post with their links to
your website, with people having the foresight of the value you have been
giving, they will willingly check on your website or blog. The best social media handle to leverage for traffic are, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.
Post on Medium

Medium is a social platform with millions of daily traffic,
and it is a very big chance of gaining traffic to your site. Medium has a wide
range of audience, both locally and international, which give you an avenue to
post any content regardless of your audience type. You can create an account on
medium and post for free. However, you must have well informative content,
targeting a particular niche, as people get familiar with your content, you can
drop the link to your website, this creates chances of you getting thousands of
daily traffic without spending a dime.

Another way to generate traffic to your site is to post on
forums, nairaland, for instance, is a Nigerian forum that has over 500,000
daily visits, you can create an account for free, and post regularly. This
allows you to generate the trust of people, and the more informative your
content, the more the traffic you get to your website.
Answer Questions on Quora

This method is also very effective, quora is an online
platform, similar to a forum, you get to post a question, and people answer,
most importantly the more informative your answer are, with the link to your
blog, the more chances of getting traffic, all for free.
All you do is, sign up to quora, use the search tab using
the keyword of the post you want to share, there will always be an answer
available, then you can write your answer referring to the content of your blog,
and your blog link at the bottom.
Guest Post

This is another effective way to get traffic to your
website, and this requires you to write on another blog with higher authority
in your niche, with this, you can get massive traffic as they get more people
to read your content on the blog.

The key to getting traffic to your
blog is to share very informative and quality content either on your blog or as a
guest post on another post, share your content on your social media handles,
ask your audience to share your content as well.

Using the above method, you can Get Traffic To Your Blog Without Spending A Dime. Kindly drop your comment if you have more tips to share or
suggestions to add.


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