Business Arena


September 25, 2020 | by Admin



As the internet was still considered the second big thing,
many companies hurried to be online, generating high demands for website
developers, internet marketing, cloud services, and much more. Just under a
decade ago, the construction of a website needed a lot of money, making it more
difficult for small businesses to access their services online. Fortunately,
with the development of technology, almost everyone can launch a website today
without saving money.

Site builders have made it possible for small companies to
share their goods and services with the world. They are a great way for small
companies to start a website without asking for a developer’s assistance. And
non-technical people can now create a website on their own with a minimum of
15,000 people.

Many website builders are already on the market. Although
this is a positive thing, choosing the right one for you can be difficult. Here
are top online website builders you can use for your small business website:


WordPress is the leading website building platform globally,
with over 34 percent of websites operated by WordPress. WordPress is a free
forum for the building of open-source websites. This means that you have complete
ownership of your website.

Two versions of WordPress,, and
are available. But don’t worry, both are from the same business. The
self-hosted is the best choice to create your small business
website because of its popularity, scalability, powerful features, and
usability. There is also an excellent support system. To create a WordPress
website for your business, you need a 24/7 web hosting service account.

WIX.COM is around for a long time now and is one of the
website’s most trusted builders. It is a cloud-based website development
platform that provides ease of use and powerful features for designing your
website. Wix is a fully hosted platform for building a website, so you won’t
have to pay any hosting fees. You will have access to a large selection of
templates to design your website professionally. And the best thing is that
every template is served with the drag-and-drop feature.


Shopify is also one of the most successful eCommerce website
builders, designed specifically for eCommerce and online stores. The site has
more than half a million companies and more than one million active users. To
date, products worth more than $40 billion have been sold on this website.

Like, Shopify is also a fully hosted site, which
means that you won’t incur any hosting costs or worry about software
management, backup, or upgrading. The platform does all of this for you and
much more.


Squarespace is known for its technical design and usability.
It offers small business owners a trustworthy option to create and launch their

The best thing with Squarespace is that it comes with a
company-grade website hosting tool. You will concentrate on increasing your
company without thinking about hosting. It also includes several website
templates to start you up. Each concept is also completely produced and ready
for all content forms.


If you are looking for a website builder that is easy to
use, look no further. It comes with a beautifully crafted page builder that
allows users to modify their websites without learning about coding. Weebly is
also a fully-hosted website, so you don’t have to install software to run your
site. The framework is responsible for hosting and handling all the applications
in the backend.


GoDaddy Website Builder is an online editing and publishing
platform that lets you develop a website, irrespective of your professional
level. Only build an account, choose a template, and use the integrated editor
to add your pictures and text.

After years as a leading provider of services for domain and
web hosting, GoDaddy chose to use software to create a website. The company
provides a convenient and easy-to-use hosting platform for creating websites.
GoDaddy also has hundreds of blocks ready for use, which can be dragged and
dropped to create a beautiful and awesome website for your online company.


As the name indicates, this website creator is from Google,
but while it is a hawk in technology, it has never been published in this list
like others. However, it is still a great tool to create your website for small
businesses. It is a free builder of the website that includes e-mail, Hangouts,
G Drive Suite, and more. Also, it has unlimited use, many models, and many
traffic, which gives a boundary over other website constructors in this list.


These website builders can enable you to easily and quickly
start up your small business website. You need no previous coding experience to
build a website because the tools provide pre-designed templates that you can
drag and drop to accomplish your objective.

The above-shared website builders have a range of tools to
help you find your company on Google and beyond. Search engine optimization to
e-mail marketing and social media presence management is fully integrated with
marketing and SEO instruments to support the company to noise and stand out.


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